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I broke the curse of abortion(s) off of my life.
I’m here to show you how to break the curse too.

Called to set the captives free.

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I help post-abortive women break the curse of shame and live free while allowing God to transform her story.

You can live shame free.

Personally, abortion nearly took my life from me  and right now abortion is stealing, killing and destroying the lives of millions of innocent babies, leaving the mothers empty and the fathers hopeless.


Abortion is tearing apart families, tearing apart our nation and robbing our world of lives that were created to impact it.

But the beauty is...God is in the business of rescuing everyone involved from these death sentences.

Why Abortion?

listen to my story.

You can click here and find a local pregnancy center near you for immediate support! Just enter your zip code, check out their website and give them a call.

In a crisis pregnancy situation?

Get Local Support now!

Pregnant & need to talk?

Text this Hotline!

This "hotline" organization will help you in so many ways: counseling, prayer, financial, and more --- especially if you are on the fence about having an abortion. Text them.

access my favorite resources.

This Bible Study changed my life. My favorite recommendation. It is interactive and comes with video. You can do it alone or find a group to journey through it with.

Is abortion affecting your life?

Get this Bible Study!

Men need healing too. God cares about your heart just as much as the women.

Here are my favorite resources for men.

Are you a man silently hurting? 

You deserve to heal too!

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Hey sister ♥️ thank you for your obedience to Father. He has used you to confirm with me that it is time to share my testimony. I have had 5 abortions in the past and the Lord has healed my womb, made me a wife and mother. 

Testimony From Canada

I didn't know I needed to heal... I have been through it twice..with my husband.
Jesus is Lord in my life and I am happy he used you to get this message to me.

Testimony From Nairobi, Africa

Hey I’m not sure if you remember me but I messaged about 9 months ago when I first found out I was pregnant and wanted to say hiii and I’m 40 weeks and 2days I decided to keep my baby like u said it was a blessing for me...

Testimony From Florida, USA

You are so strong and when i watched your videos i was thinking of getting a abortion but then your story encourages me and i know that i can be a mum and a good one i also know that God will help me through this hard time in my life.

Testimony From Kenya, Africa

read these testimonies!

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