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Shame Free Gigi Professional Bio

Genecia Davis is a content creator and social media influencer whose passion is helping post-abortive women confidently eliminate shame and live free while allowing God to transform her story. Popularly known as ‘Shame Free Gigi --- The Post-Abortion Coach’, Genecia’s story is an inspiration to many women who feel overwhelmed by guilt from secret abortions in the past; women who find it hard to overcome the shame.

After being entangled with abortions for almost ten years, Genecia found herself at a turning point after being introduced to a post-abortion Bible study while ironically standing outside an abortion clinic. For her, this was the end of an agonizing past and the beginning of a redemptive future. Having overcome a troubled past, Genecia transparently shares her story as hope for women who are ready to take the first step in their healing journey.

In 2018, Genecia launched her YouTube channel ‘Shame Free Gigi’; a channel that has gone on to reach, connect and uplift thousands of women, who relate to her story, globally. As a passionate speaker and life advocate, Genecia is dedicated to letting all women know that, with God, anyone can live a life free of shame — and there can be transformation at the end of every abortion story.

Today, Genecia has expanded her reach launching her all-new online course and online community called Shame Free University (coming this Summer 2021). A safe place for post-abortive women to learn, encourage and grow together!

If you’re ready to beat shame and live free, let’s take the first step together.


Visit me online at or you can find me @ShameFreeGigi on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

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